Vietnam Wing Chun Site - Classical Kung Fu ../images/TitleKungFu.jpg #97CAFF ../images/LineKungFu.jpg

Classical Kung Fu

(small - click for normal size)     The essence of Wing Chun Kung Fu is constant action. It is the effectiveness multiplied by itself.

    It is possible to write huge volumes about techniques with names of the moves, punches and blocks. A student can read and even memorize all those books but he would not be able to apply his knowledge unless he will practice it in real life.

(small - click for normal size)     In the East the Teacher doesn't talk much. No theoretical lectures are given until the student tries the moves himself and feels them. The meaning of a martial art is to control life, in a narrow sense - to control life during combat. That is why the philosophy of Wing Chun Kung Fu is a constant transformation, speed, flexibility, control and effective attacks.

(small - click for normal size)     By practicing martial arts the student does not train his body alone. First of all the mind advances, gaining control over the fast and precise movements of the body. The character of the student advances as well - a straightforward person will learn the necessary qualities of flexibility and versatility. Together with the development of the body and mind the strength of ones' spirit advances and helps the person in any undertaking.

    To answer a question about the basic techniques of Wing Chun Kung Fu is to answer the question about the basic techniques of life.

(small - click for normal size)     Life is infinitely diverse and uncontemplated!

    Still Vietnamese Wing Chun Kung Fu has specific stages and techniques that are used as a basis for further progress. These basics are like alphabet, by learning which the student will be able to create an unlimited variety of forms.
    The basic course of Vietnamese Wing Chun Kung Fu has both Khi Cong and Kung Fu. That is why the basic exercises are divide into those of Khi Cong and Kung Fu.

(small - click for normal size) (small - click for normal size) (small - click for normal size) (small - click for normal size) (small - click for normal size)